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Free Chess Training
Keda pendiente pa inscripcion pa ciclo 3 (April - Juni 2019)!!
As part of our 'Ahedres ta bai den bario' project' we brought a FIDE International Master to Aruba to teach chess to our children. He will be giving free weekly trainings for three months. At the end of these three months the participants will know the basic chess rules and principles.
All children in ages of 6 to 12 with no prior knowledge of chess (beginners) are welcome. The trainer can speak Spanish and English. The groups will be divided in ages of 6 - 8 and 9 -12.
April 23, 2019 - July 12, 2019 (tentative dates)
To be announced later.
Like our Facebook page to get more info.​
You can also send us an e-mail ( if you need more information.
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